Thursday, April 29, 2010

Arizona Immigration Bill

So the recently passed Illegal Immigration Bill in Arizona has come under some mighty heavy criticism by many in the media and the political left (not sure why I even made that distinction since the two are mutually exclusive!) Having read the Bill I'm puzzled as to what there is to be upset with here. To summarize, the bill compels police officers to verify someones citizenship if that person comes into contact with law enforcement and the officer has a good-faith suspicion that the person may not be in the country legally. So apparently its now racist, fascist, and Nazi-like for a police officer to further question someone who has no identification. Really? Who walks around with no identification?!?! Who wouldn't be a little suspicious of this?

Backing up a little bit . . . maybe I need to re-examine the premise of illegal immigration. I believe that illegal immigration is bad. If someone is in this country and has not followed the proper procedures for being here, they have broken our laws. Again, I think that is a bad thing. I'm beginning to think that people opposed to this Bill and other immigration enforcement efforts do not think this is a bad thing. I know why liberal elected officials don't mind illegal immigration (it creates a huge voting block of people dependent on the government who hypothetically would not vote themselves out of benefits, thus keeping the liberals in power), but I'm stuck on why a normal everyday American wouldn't find someone sneaking into their country illegally even the slightest bit distasteful. I'm sure it has something to do with what I call the "Hippie" mentality I've observed from people on the left. The "Hippie" mentality is the view that life is fair, love is free and we should all just get a long. A bigger bunch of garbage has never been thought.

The long and the short of it is, our current administration and the liberal movement in general are fascist, not this Bill. Secure the border and punish people who break laws. End of story.

"With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money or more power. " Henry Wallace


  1. I couldn't agree with you more! I heard someone the other day say, "illegal immigration is a crime not a race."

  2. Nice quote, that says it perfectly!


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