Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The End Of An Era

Well it finally happened. The radical Dems in the house have passed an historic piece of health care legislation. This has to be one of the most historically bad bills that has ever made it through Congress. I think everyone agrees that our health care system needs some changes. But these changes? Really? Forcing all Americans to have some form of health insurance or face penalties? Tax businesses for not offering health insurance to their employees? Taxing those business that do offer excellent "Cadillac" plans? REALLY? What ever happened to freedom? Yes, the era of freedom in America is over . . . for now. It boggles the mind that every poll showed that the people did not want this bill. It goes to show that with this bunch, their radical ideology trumps common sense, the American way, and simple economics. For a group that is so incredibly power hungry it is amazing that they would commit political suicide with their irresponsible, arrogant votes. It truly will be a blood bath in November. They have woken a sleeping giant and there will be a heavy price to pay when the American people get their say. We can only hope that the damage done is not irreparable.

"Show me a 20yr old who is not a liberal and I'll show you a person without a heart. Show me a 40yr old who is not a conservative and I'll show you a person without a brain."


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