Thursday, November 5, 2009

What I take from Tuesday's elections

As a conservative I am encouraged by the results of the New Jersey and Virginia Governor's elections. I'm especially excited to see a deep blue state such as New Jersey elect a Republican. The one election result I'm most excited about, however, is New York 23. Yes I know the Democrat won! It gives me great hope to see that a true conservative got 45% of the vote. Furthermore, had the local Republican party had it's act together Doug Hoffman would have won. I hope that this will be a lesson to all of us that a primary is the most effective way to choose a candidate and that just because someone has an R behind their name does not mean that they are a conservative.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Note on Personal Responsibility

As a conservative, one of the pillars of my value system is personal responsibility. I believe that every man (and of course woman), is responsible for their own actions. I believe that the responsibility to support ourselves and our families falls to the individual. In my opinion, self reliance is what gave birth to this nation and what makes it what it is today; the greatest nation on earth. It seems that somehow along the way these concepts have been lost. There is a loud segment of the population that has devalued personal responsibility and self reliance to the point that they are looked at as some kind of relics of a lost era.

These voices have become increasingly louder with the current economic downturn and the health insurance reform debate. The economic downturn we find ourselves in is due in large part to a lack of personal responsibility. For example, the sub-prime mortgage mess. How could any adult with all of their faculties think that its a good idea to take on a $300,000 mortgage on a $40,000 a year salary? Of course the house eventually falls in to foreclosure and the homeowner says "It's not my fault, I didn't know what I was signing!" Along comes the government to pat them on the head and say "Poor borrower, of course it's not your fault, we'll modify your loan with taxpayer dollars and punish that mean banker that made you do this." Maybe I've missed something but every mortgage I've ever seen has a clause, signed by the borrower, stating that they understand the terms and conditions of the loan. If someone buys a house they can't afford it is 100% their fault. It sickens me that so many of these people blame the lender and expect the governments help. It sickens me even more that the federal government is willing to spend my hard earned tax dollars on someone who took out a loan for 10 times their annual salary. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!

Next issue, health insurance reform. I think my ears are going to bleed if I have to hear one more time that we need to have a public option or some form of government sponsored plan for people who can't afford insurance. The responsibility to care for your family resides with you. If you can't afford your employer's plan, find a new employer with a more competitive plan, cut out excess spending, or take on a second job. Simply asking the federal government to provide it for you, with tax dollars, is lazy and passes the buck. Each thing that we ask someone else to provide for us takes a little piece of our independence. (I do acknowledge the need for such programs as medicaid but I believe they should be state-run and have time limits to urge recipients to become more self reliant.).

I'll leave you with a quote from an unlikely source.
" ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country"
Pres. John F. Kennedy

That's all for know, I'm in the mood to go chop some wood and plow a field!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rush Limbaugh/St. Louis Rams/Al Sharpton

I'm sure that by now everyone has heard of the manufactured controversy regarding a group including Rush Limbaugh bidding to buy the St. Louis Rams. It is so ridiculous that people like Al Sharpton are so opposed to Rush owning a piece of an NFL football team that I cant help but laugh! Al, buddy, are you serious? Does it really affect your life that much? Does it affect anybody you know or have ever known or ever will know? I didn't think so. The next logical question is then, why in the hell do you care? Al Sharpton cares because it is the latest chance to get his face and comments plastered all over the media. Question . . . What does Al Sharpton do for a living? Yes, I know he has a radio show aired on about a dozen stations. Big whoop. Mr. Sharpton's website states the he is an experienced "grass roots organizer, community activist and politician". Seriously, what does that even mean? Apparently in today's world it means you are qualified to be president, but I digress. Does he list those on his resume as work experiences or skills? A few other things to add to "The Rev's" resume are publicity hound, race-card player and bigot. A bigot is defined as "one who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion." If you know anything about Sharpton's history, you know he fits this definition nicely. If you don't know his history Google Tawana Brawley, Crown Heights Riot, and Freddie's Fashion Mart. I think you'll be enlightened.

With all of this being said and as disgusted as I am with him on a regular basis, I would have no problem with The Rev. Al Sharpton owning an NFL football team or anything else he wanted to
own. This is a major difference between the liberal and conservative movements. Liberals try to silence, discredit, besmirch and destroy all who are critical of their ideals. They say they are all about the people, apparently only the people who agree with them. I for one, and most conservatives I know, would not seek to destroy someones legal, good-faith business venture for any reason, let alone political differences.

Well, I'm all The Rev. Al Sharptoned out.

See you soon


Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Hey everyone and welcome to my blog. To put things short and sweet, the name says it all. I'm a staunch conservative and believe that conservatism is for everyone. This blog will focus on current political events and there will be no shortage of opinion from my conservative point of view.

I believe in the basic conservative principles of hard work, capitalism, faith, and small government. I also believe that many people who identify themselves as Democrats or Liberals actually live as conservatives but for some reason refuse to admit it. Who knows why, maybe they don't want to buck years of a family trend or maybe they don't want to be ridiculed by their liberal friends (like that ever happens! After all Liberals are soooo understanding of opposing points of view!).

Anyways, I appreciate you giving me a read and I promise to not disappoint.


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